Flicking around
the TV in a '537 channels and there's nothing on' style, I began to notice
that channel-hopping was entertainment in itself. Yes, as you may have guessed,
I too am loving this delightful summer weather we’ve been having. Hard to
believe my last weather chat involved the now
oh-so-illusive concept of sunshine.
There really is
no limit to what they'll make a programme about these days (Million Dollar
Otters anyone?) I have previously cited the nation’s unsettling propensity to get their bits out on TV
- but there's more!
I’ve always
wondered about Four Weddings - why on earth would you want to invite three
strangers along on your 'special day' with the sole intention of
judging/bitching about it? I don’t get it, free honeymoon or no free honeymoon
(and I LOVE holidays!)
Now I see
they've gone one further – go on Battle of the Brides and you get to share ‘the
most important day of your life’ (according to the wedding circus mafia) with
complete strangers, and their ‘crazy’ theme ideas, in a double wedding.
Seriously? Yes they pay for your wedding and weddings are ludicrously
expensive, but guess what? You don’t have to succumb to the multi-million pound
industry. Move away from the bridal magazine and switch off the TV …preferably
before Bridezillas or Bridalplasty. <shudder>
But be sure to
switch the TV back on to peruse the truly delightful titles producers have come
up with to draw attention in a crowded marketplace. I would love to have been a
fly on the wall of the ‘brainstorming session’ (‘scuse the corporate twaddle there) that produced ‘Help!
My house is falling down.’ Snappily done people, whoever you are. Perhaps the
same creative geniuses (or genii, if you will) that came up with ‘Love Shaft’.
My ultimate
favourite though? Pawn Stars. Yes people – cash converters just got sexy. You
heard it here first.
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